Synonymous Terms

Term Synonym
Anorectal Pararectal
Anorectal Hemorrhoidal
Anterior to thyroid isthmus Delphian (thyroid)
Apical axillary Level III axillary
Brachiocephalic Innominate
Bronchial Tracheobronchial
Bronchopulmonary Hilar
Buccal Buccinator
Buccinator Buccal
Cloquet Rosenmuller
Cloquet Uppermost deep inguinal
Common bile duct Pericholedochal
Deep inguinal (uppermost) Cloquet
Deep inguinal (uppermost) Rosenmuller
Deep axillary Level III axillary
Deep inguinal Subinguinal
Delphian (thyroid) Anterior to thyroid isthmus
Ewald Sentinel
Femoral Superficial inguinal
Gastroepiploic Gastro-omental
Gastro-omental Gastroepiploic
Gerota Sacral promontory
Hemorrhoidal Anorectal
Hepatic Portal
Hilar (lung) Bronchopulmonary
Hilar Pulmonary root
Hypogastric Internal iliac
Hypogastric Obturator
Inferior gastric Right gastric
Infraclavicular Subclavicular
Infrapyloric Subpyloric
Infundibulopelvic Utero-ovarian
Innominate Brachiocephalic
Internal mammary Parasternal
Internal iliac Hypogastric
Interpectoral Rotter
Jugulodigastric Subdigastric
Lateral aortic Retroperitoneal
Laterotracheal Anterior deep cervical
Laterotracheal Recurrent laryngeal nerve chain
Left gastric Superior gastric
Level I axillary Superficial Axillary
Level I axillary Low axillary
Level III axillary Apical axillary
Level III axillary Deep axillary
Lienal Splenic
Low axillary Level 1 axillary
Mastoid Postauricular
Obturator Hypogastric
Pancreaticolienal Pancreaticosplenic
Pancreaticosplenic Pancreaticolienal
Pararectal Anorectal
Parasternal Internal mammary
Pericholedochal Common bile duct
Portal Hepatic
Postauricular Matoid
Posterior cervical Spinal accessory
Pulmonary root Hilar
Recurrent laryngeal nerve chain Laterotracheal
Retroperitoneal Lateral aortic
Rosenmuller Cloquet
Rosenmuller Deep inguinal (uppermost)
Rotter Interpectoral
Sacral promontory Gerota
Scalene Cervical along scalenus muscle
Sentinel Supraclavicular node enlarged due to abdominal tumor
Spinal accessory Posterior cervical
Splenic Lienal
Sister Mary Joseph node Hard mass or nodule which can be seen or felt at the umbilicus; a sign of intraabdominal malignancy most commonly from stomach or ovary
Subclavicular Infraclavicular
Subdigastric Infraclavicular
Subinguinal Deep inguinal
Submandibular Submaxillary
Submaxillary Submandibular
Subpyloric Infrapyloric
Superficial inguinal Femoral
Superficial axillary Level I axillary
Superficial gastric Left gastric
Supraclavicular Transverse cervical
Trachiobronchial Bronchial
Transverse cervical Supraclavicular
Trosier Sentinel node for stomach or lung cancer
Upper deep cervical Internal jugular
Utero-ovarian Infundibulopelvic
Virchow Sentinel node for stomach cancer