Genomic Testing
Gene profile testing, which is done by microarray assay or reverse transcription-polymerase chain, is done for breast cancers. For Breast, there are several Genomic testing data items. These are called Site-Specific Data Items (SSDIs), and are collected for each case.
Data Item | NAACCR Item # | NAACCR Text Field # |
Oncotype Dx Recur Score-Invasive | 3904 | 2570: Text-Dx Proc Path |
Oncotype Dx Risk Level-Invasive | 3906 | 2570: Text-Dx Proc Path |
Oncotype Dx Recur Score-DCIS | 3903 | 2570: Text-Dx Proc Path |
Oncotype Dx Risk Level-DCIS | 3905 | 2570: Text-Dx Proc Path |
Multigene Signature Method | 3894 | 2570: Text-Dx Proc Path |
Multigene Signature Result | 3895 | 2570: Text-Dx Proc Path |
See Schemas | SSDI and Grade Data for the SSDI manual and the schema information or SEER*RSA in the Breast schema for complete coding instructions for these data items.
Note: For the SSDIs, it is very important that you read the general instructions (see NAAACR link above) first. For example, the general instructions tell you how to code when there is a range, when “less than” or “greater than” is used. After the general instructions are reviewed, you move to the data specific instructions.
There are two main gene profiles that are done
Oncotype: The Oncotype DX 21 gene assay is the gene profile test with the most extensive clinical validation thus far and applies to hormone receptor-positive (ER and/or PR+), HER2-negative breast cancer.
MammaPrint: This was the first gene profile test to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The 70-gene signature classifies tumors into high-risk and low-risk prognostics categories.
- MammaPrint Results are documented in two data items
- Multigene Signature Method [NAACCR Item # 3894]
- Multigene Signature Results [NAACCR Item # 3895]
There are three additional minor gene profiles
The minor gene profiles are also found in the Multigene Signature Method and Multigene Signature Results SSDIs, and collect information on the following.
- PAM50 (Prosigna)
- See PAM50 (Prosigna) | Susan G. Komen®
for additional information on this test
- See PAM50 (Prosigna) | Susan G. Komen®
- Breast Cancer Index
- See What to Expect - Breast Cancer Index Testing
for additional information on this test
- See What to Expect - Breast Cancer Index Testing
- EndoPredict
- See EndoPredict® Breast Cancer Prognostic Test | Myriad Genetics
for additional information on this test
- See EndoPredict® Breast Cancer Prognostic Test | Myriad Genetics
Updated: January 10, 2025